Ilisimatuutut misissuinerit
Nuværende forskningsprojekter:
- Give value to nature (ValuingNature): learn how to measure what ecosystem services do for us. Project funded by Erasmus+ 2020. In collaboration with scholars from Spain (Victor Colino-Rabanal and Jose María Mezquita), Poland, Croatia, Romania, Greece, and Lithuania.
- The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Greenland (Joint project with Johanna Lidman, University of Aberdeen).
- Human capital and economic development in Greenland from an historical perspective. Funded by SØJ, Ilisimatusarfik, 2019.
Tidligere forskningsprojekter:
- Arnaut, J. (2018): "Colonial labor markets and indigenous agency in Greenland, 1727-1934".
- Arnaut, J. (2018): "Catching up, falling behind, and the role of institutions: Explaining productivity growth in Latin America and Asia from a sectoral perspective".
- Arnaut, J. (2018): "Globalization, revolution, and regional wages: Evidence from Porfirian Mexico, 1877-1910".
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