Administrative responsibilities
- Committee/evaluation work wrt appointment of Ph.d. degrees, assistant- and associate professorships.
- Faroese Research Council, boardmember 2014-2017.
- University of the Faroe Islands, Member of board, staff elected in 2013 and re-elected in 2016 (On leave since summer 2017).
- Review: Aalborg University Press; Icelandic Research Council (Rannis), Nord Europe Forum, Journal of Marine and Island Cultures; The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies (TES), Roskilde Universitety Press.
- Chairman in 2 committees about new educations in the Faroes (2011-2012).
Resarch grants
- Ilisimatursafik Research fund (2018 & 2019)
- Northern Periphery & Arctic Programme (2016)
- Faroese Research Council (2012)
- NORA (2012)
Selected presentations (latest)
- Conference on Economics and Development in Microstates, Islands, and the Arctic, Ilisimatusarfik, Nuuk. Presentation: Making sense of leadership in Greenlandic organizations. With Mette A. Rasmussen, Uffe K. Hansen and Poul B. Olsen. November 30 - December 1, 2018.
- Ph.D. course, etnografisk metode og kvalitativ analyse i Arktis. Presentation: Sociologisk analyse (with Steven Arnfjord). Institut for Sygepleje & Sunhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik, September 24-28, 2018.
- Conference at Center for Børne, Ungdoms & Familieforskning (BUFFI), Ilisimatusarfik. Presentation: Grønlands universitets rolle i relation til unges livsmuligheder – set i et “small state” perspektiv, November 8-9, 2018.
- A new platform for Island Studies. International Workshop. Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, April 6-8, 2016. Presentations: Entrepreneurship in an island context, based on research in the Faroe Islands & Education in an island setting.
- Kontinuitet og forandring – et teorihistorisk input til udviklingen af det moderne Færøerne. Organisation of historical sociological seminar about Faroe Islands in the 1800. Presentation: poverty in the 1800s. Søgu- og Samfelagsdeildin. 23-24 mars 2015.
- Tourism and the Faroes as a cold water island destination. What lessons for other island jurisdictions? Presentation at University of Malta, 9. April 2014.
- Nordiske broer for livslang læring10-11 juni 2014 Harpa Reykjavik. Lecture about the master learning concept. Inter nordic conference, organised by NVLNordisk Nettverk for Voksnes Læring (Nordic network for adult learning).
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