Nasiffik event: public lecture with Major Sean Brinkema
Emerging supply chain security concerns in Nunavut
09. septembarip 2024, 16.30 - 18.00

09. septembarip 2024, 16.30 - 18.00

The public lecture reviews social, geographic, political, and economic aspects of Nunavut, Canada - then briefly reviews the Canadian Forces’ presence in Nunavut (i.e. Joint Task Force North), and finally introduces the development elaborated in a special report on emerging supply chain security challenges in Nunavut.
This Special Report identifies emerging supply chain security challenges, critical stakeholders in Nunavut, and opportunities for collaboration in enhancing the security of Nunavut’s supply chain across purposes and fields of interest. After the Major’s briefing there will be time for questions from the audience.
- Major Sean Brinkema is Detachment Commander - Nunavut, Joint Task Force (North), Canadian Joint Operations Command / Canadian Armed Forces
- Moderator: Rasmus Leander Nielsen, Nasiffik / Ilisimatusarfik
Coffee and cake are served.
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